Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

May 9th or: the rodizío

Munich, Germany, 3:15am. The alarm goes off. What a pleasureable time to get up. It's gonna be a long day.

Eva and I get to the airport, dragging approximately my body weight in luggage with us. All these persons who ask me to travel with me in my suitcase – sorry, I'm not gonna do that. Too heavy.

Boarding goes smoothly, although the line was surprisingly long considering it was 5am. After a short stop in Amsterdam, the journey to Sao Paulo begins. 

Once arrived, we went through customs without problems and got picked up. We then proceeded to have our first real brazilian experience -- the "rodizío". It's basically an all-you-can-eat buffet where the meat comes to your table. Approximately every minute, a waiter comes by with a delicious-looking piece of meat and offers it to you. Needless to say, I said "sím, por favor" (= yes, please) most of the time. At some point, there is so much meat on your plate, that you just have to decline (= "não, obrigado"). However, it's not all about the meat -- there is also "pão de queijo", which is basically bread made of cheese, "feijão" (beans with something) and lots of sweet treats. I was in paradise. 

Already exhausted by the long journey, we now fell into some sort of food coma and couldn't wait to hit the sheets. Which we did eventually. 

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